3A Marine Service’s view of the 2020 Boating Season

Mar. 24 2020 Announcements By 3A Marine Service

After reviewing Governor Baker’s Emergency Orders concerning essential services, and following much discussion with other businesses serving the marine industry, we are working on a plan to continue providing services to our customers. 

While the majority of our business is based on serving the recreational boating community in Massachusetts, a substantial part of our business is servicing the marine assets of local and state Law Enforcement, Fire & Rescue, and other public agencies such as the Massachusetts DCR and the U.S EPA.  We also have a number of maritime business customers, primarily in the commercial fishing and marine construction industries. We plan to assist all of them as best as we are able.

As of today, March 24th, we plan on providing as close to our high standard of service as we can in anticipation of the upcoming season. We have no better understanding of what the future holds than anyone else, so this plan will evolve as we move ahead.

We have instituted internal Safety Protocols based on the recommendations of the State Board of Health and the CDC to protect our workforce. Much of the basis of our being able to keep working depends on our decision to “work behind closed doors”. Unfortunately, this will mean keeping all face-to-face contact with our customers to an absolute minimum. We are asking that our customers contact us via telephone, email, or use the service request forms on our website. A summary of that contact information is provided below.

For cases where face-to-face meetings are necessary, we ask that you call ahead so that we can plan accordingly. When possible, we will meet with you outside of the building, and ask that you maintain proper social distancing.

We all want to go boating this year. Once the worst of this pandemic passes, being out on the water will feel great. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns. We wish the best of health to all of our customers, suppliers,and partners.

Telephone: 781.749.3250

Email (Service): service@3amarine.com

Email (Sales): sales@3amarine.com

Email (Parts): parts@3amarine.com

Spring Service request: https://www.3amarine.com/--2020-commission